Monday, April 10, 2006

Schindler Project

It's the schindler project... all nice and "pretty".

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Computer Self-Portrait

Computers self-portrait project...
after many tormenting hours of waiting for images to upload.

this is the original image...

Brixton Project

Re-designing the semi in Brixton...
continuation of Project one

Excuses for not handing in your homework

Excuses for not handing in your homework...

  1. A cayote had its wilderness destroyed and it ate my homework
  2. My homework was siezed by the CIA as evidence in a drug bust at the wrong address

and my favourite one..

3. My homework was forcibly recycled by eco-terrorists!!

All this and more in the book - "extreme latin"

Space Requirements Project (minimum space)

Spatial requirements...

Minimum Space Project...
